The pop singer Madonna is very nice to see all tho. I like very much for his song. So if you can see the my best singer of Madonna to go ther photo gallery.
The Queen of Pop, as she is known to the world, Madonna is no less than an enigma as far as female singers are concerned. Down the decades, whatever she has worn or endorsed, on or off stage, has become unique style elements. How can anyone forget the cone-shaped bras she wore during the Express Yourself performances in early 90’s? But, that is not all to Madonna’s style sense as the Material Girl is very much versatile with her ensembles and sports various sort of dresses like- corset tops, leather jackets, trench coats, printed gowns and even beaded garbs. The fingerless gloves she usually dons while performing is also a trade mark style of the timeless diva.
Born on:Aug 16, 1958 (Age: 55)
Born in:Bay City, Michigan
Marital status:divorced
Height:5' 4''
Weight:110 lbs
Popular As:Singer, Dancer, Actress, Fashion Designer, and Philanthropist
Popular For:Powerful vocals and superb stage presence.
Another heavy influence on Madonna's early life was her mother, who was diagnosed with breast cancer during her pregnancy with Madonna's youngest sister. Treatment had to be delayed until the baby reached full term, but by then the disease had grown too strong. On December 1, 1963, at the age of 30, Madonna's mother passed away. Madonna was only 5 years old at the time of her mother's death.
The loss of her mother significantly affected Madonna's adolescence. Haunted by the memories of her mother's frailty and passive demeanor during her final days, Madonna was determined to make her own voice heard. "I think the biggest reason I was able to express myself and not be intimidated was by not having a mother," she says. "For example, mothers teach you manners. And I absolutely did not learn any of those rules and regulations."
Once in New York, Madonna paid her rent with a handful of odd jobs, including nude art modeling; serving at the Russian Tea Room; and performing for the American Dance Center. In 1979, Madonna began dating Dan Gilroy, one of the founding members of a ska influenced pop-punk band called Breakfast Club. Gilroy introduced Madonna to the head of a vaudeville review in Paris, and she spent some time in France working as a showgirl. During this trip she fell in love with the combination of singing and performing. When she returned to the states in 1980, she joined Gilroy's band as its drummer and later became its lead singer. Madonna formed several different bands of her own over the next few years, including Madonna & The Sky, The Millionaires, and Emmy.
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She fought especially hard against the rules imposed by her stepmother, Joan Gustafson, who met Madonna's father while working as the family housekeeper. Madonna says Gustafson often made her take care of the younger children in the household, a task she greatly resented. "I really saw myself as the quintessential Cinderella," Madonna later said. "I think that's when I really thought about how I wanted to do something else and get away from all that." She rebelled against her traditional upbringing by turning her conservative clothing into revealing outfits, frequenting underground gay nightclubs, and rejecting her religious background.
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View the gallery of Madonna. See and get enjoy. Madonna tho nice and sexy all tho. Fell enjoy and view the photo gallery about Modona.
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